Prayerise, Picturise and Actualise

Today I was reading one book “Power Of Positive Thinking” and I come across a chapter “Prayers”.

The power of prayers was expressed in an very unique and experimental way.

  • Prayerise : Talk to God in a very clear and simple way. Believe that he is around you. Tell him everything. Ask him whatever you want.
  • Picturise : Picturise what you want. Visualization of things which you want to achieve is best practice in achieving them. Picturise all positive things around you. Picturise like you have already achieved the goal.
  • Actualise : Once you follow these two practice, third one will happen that is actualise. Your dreams come true and you will be actyually what you dreamt for.

~Jyoti Yadav


When we say word ” Prayer”, we think of God. We think of a unseen power which we feel everytime around us. Thats why everytime in danger situation, we remember God. 
Why prayers are important…???

Doing prayer doesn’t necessarily mean that God is listening us but it simply means that we are listening ourselves. Our heart, brain and soul is listening us. We exactly tell in our prayers what we want in life and what we ask for? Now this is when our subconscious mind understand our desires and our intensity with which we crave for something in prayer. 

Then our mind, our soul make us more passionate and sincere towards which we were asking for in prayers. We do more hard work on it and our tedency to achieve that thing increases.

Thats how prayer works. That’s why we have heard many times that”God help those who help themselves”. May he thats why it is true.

Thats my opinion about prayer. I hope you all will write about yours 

Thanks 🙂
-Jyoti Yadav

मेरी अरदास

This poem is dedicated to my Father, Because this prayer is his thought.


जब तक मेरी  सांस हो, यही मेरी अरदास हो ,

अगर हाथ जो आगे बढ़ाऊ,  तो वो लेने ना दें पे  हो,

फैले हाथ मेरा जो कभी तो, वो ईश्वर के दर पे ही हो,

बनु सहायक औरो का  मैं, ऐसी मेरी आस हो ,

जब तक मेरी  सांस हो, यही मेरी अरदास हो ।

खुद को इतना सक्षम  बनाऊ ,जीवन में आगे बढ़ता जाऊ ,

किसी को छोटा  बड़ा ना समझू ,सबको समान  द्रष्टि से देखु ,

ना  कोई अपना ना  कोई पराया, हर कोई मेरा ख़ास हो ,

जब तक मेरी  सांस हो, यही मेरी अरदास हो ।

मुस्किलो से लड़ता  जाऊ ,फिर भी आगे बढ़ता जाऊ ,

हिम्मत का साफा  बांध लिया है ,कोशिशों को भी साथ लिया है ,

ना  थकना है ना  रुकना है ,बस अब चलते जाना है ,

थक कर कभी ना  गिरने देना, यही मेरा दर्खाश्त हो ,

जब तक मेरी  सांस हो , यही मेरी अरदास हो

प्रेम भाव से मिल कर रहना है, ना कोई दूर दराज़ हो ,

न खामोशि में दबने पाए कोई, हर कोई एक आवाज़ हो ,

धन चहिये नही , दौलत चाहिए नही ,

पैसे का ना साथ हो ,

कुछ कमाऊ जो इस दुनिया में तो, वो इज़्ज़त और सम्मान हो ,

जब कोई नाम बोले मेरा तो, उसमे एक विश्वास हो ,

जब तक मेरी  सांस हो , यही मेरी अरदास हो।

अगर कभी जो नाम कमाऊ, तो मुझमे ना  अहंकार हो ,

मन का नम्र  रहू हमेशा , नियत मेरी साफ़ हो ,

अगर हाथ जो आगे बढ़ाऊ,  तो वो लेने ना दें पे  हो,

फैले हाथ मेरा जो कभी तो, वो ईश्वर के दर पे ही हो,

बनु सहायक औरो का  मैं ऐसी मेरी आस हो ,

जब तक मेरी  सांस हो, यही मेरी अरदास हो ।

                                                    ~Jyoti Yadav

Copyright ©Jyoti Yadav. All rights reserved.


You say Black is Dark, I say black is Bright.

You say Black is scaring, I say black is daring.

You say black is bad, I say black is good.

You say black is evil, I say black is civil.

Black is dark, that’s why it makes us bright,

Black is dark that’s why we know the light.

Black is bad because we are sad,

Just be happy and see black is glad.

Black is scaring, because we are fearing,

Just be strong and see black is daring.

Black is evil, because inside us is devil,

Adapt the goodness and see black is civil.

Life is a slope, and then black is the hope

Fight hard and then come to the top.

Black is learning, black is a LESSON,

Absorb the struggle and come with PASSION,

Be black because black is a FASHION.

~Jyoti Yadav

Copyright ©Jyoti Yadav. All rights reserved.