Shifting from Unhappiness to Happiness

“I am one of those, who have all the happiness around them. But still they find out reasons to feel unhappy and dissatisfied. And i Accept it”

Why so….??

Why I am like that..??

May be Sometimes i am influenced by what other people have and what they do. I start comparing. I start feeling their life is better than mine.

This cause the sense of discomfort in me, And i start feeling unhappy. As a result i go in search of happiness. Which Actually i have with me. Because i have all the reasons to be happy.

I have a wonderful family.

I have a decent job.

I earn enough to survive.

I have my own house.

I have almost healthy body.

What else anyone could expect from life to be happy…??

Then why i forget all the reasons to feel satisfied and happy and try to find out the happiness in what other do and try to follow their footsteps.

Revealing your weakness isn’t easy. Yes, this is one of my weakness. I am trying my best to  come out of this negativity.

I hope I feel happy, I feel positive, I feel satisfied. 🙂


-Jyoti Yadav




Sleep Well

Hello Everyone


Today I will be sharing with you a beautiful meditation and relaxing technique that helps me to get into sleep so effectively that even I don’t realize when I am slept.

Whenever my mind is not peaceful or I have a hectic and stresses day, I perform this technique and believe me it really works.

Whenever you are on bed lied down flat on your back. Close your eyes. Take deep breath. While breathing assume that you are gasping fresh air from the environment to your body. The fresh air traveling from your nose to your brain. Now your brain is filled with cold and fresh air. Try to hold it there for few seconds. Now Picturize that toxics and stress in your brain is mixed with the fresh air and now all the toxics has been dissolved into the air in brain. This is the right time to exhale the air dissolved with toxins. With this imagination exhale the air out of your nose.

Repeat this style of breathing gives us a feeling that slowly we are flushing out all the toxins and stress from our mind. It gives just fresh  and calm feeling.

Then we can start feeling our body relaxed. We can start from our feet. We have to feel that our feet are relaxed and positive energy is flowing through our feet. Then we can imagine our knees, buttocks, stomach, lower back, upper back, shoulders, neck, face and head.

We must imagine that every part of our body is filled with fresh air and positive energy. Every part of our body is relaxed and destressed.

In my case, before I imagine the complete body parts at relaxed, I am into sleep.

It is so relaxing and destressing that in half of the practice I am asleep.

I hope this helps you also in distressing your body and mind.


Thanks..!!! 🙂

~Jyoti Yadav


Rushing for office
With a bag in hand
In formal attire
With disturbed mind
And unsatisfied heart
It’s me.. yes..Its Me..!!

Then I saw

A pretty girl
Infront of my eyes
In a sky blue floral dress
Dancing with solid red ribbon
Wearing Dancing bellies shoes
There was joy
And happiness in her
It was She… yes It was She…!!

I looked at myself
And then looked at her
Then I wished…
I could be like her
And enjoying my life

What’s the difference in her and I?
Which boundary is separating us?
I stepped ahead
And touched the boundary
It was a MIRROR
Infront of mirror it was me
Behind the mirror
She was, whom I wanted to be.


~Jyoti Yadav

ख्वाब सभी ऊँचे है मेरे


सुना है अक्सर लोगो को दोहराते हुए की ख्वाब सभी ऊँचे है मेरे, गिर कर उठाना जानती हु इसलिए कहती हू ख्वाब सभी सच्चे है मेरे । अभी चलना ही सीखा  है इसने ऐसा कहना है उनका, बचपन का सुरूर  है ऐसा मानना  है उनका, उड़ान  क्या होती है कहाँ जाना है इसने , ज़िद्दी है थोड़ी इसलिए किसी का  कहा कहाँ माना  है इसने, ठोकर खा कर गिरेगी तो होश संभल जायेंगे, ऊँची उड़न उड़ने के सभी शोख़ बिखर जायेगे, मैं भी ख़ामोशी से सुनती हू  सबकी बातें , क्योंकि इरादे अभी भी पक्के है मेरे, गिर कर उठाना जानती हू इसलिए कहती हु ख्वाब  सच्चे  है मेरे, सुना है अक्सर लोगो को दोहराते हुए की ख्वाब  सभी ऊँचे है मेरे। लोग बेशबब ही मशरूफ है मेरी फ़िक्र मे, ये सबूत है मेरे इरादों का की बार-बार नाम आता है मेरा उनके जिक्र में , पता नही लोग मेरे ख्वाबो की उड़ान से खफा है ? शायद इसलिए ही रोकते…

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Quote 765

The Voyage of Yoga

Grey Keyhole

One day you will realize, nobody had locked you, You yourself held the key after which you still stopped yourself from all the beautiful experiences you could have had…

Yet when you turn the key in the keyhole, you realize the futility of the entire purpose and just push the door to find it unlocked anyway…

Sometimes the door is always open, just because it has a keyhole does not mean its locked, maybe someone just let it be open for you…

Take the opportunity, enjoy the moment and live life to the fullest, you never know which door was open and which closed…

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Mind and Energy

Energy is most important for a human because whatever we perform it requires energy. A day well spend without loss of energy is very perfect day.  We should always keep positive images in our mind, those images continuously passes the positive energy to our body and we can do all our work with full force without drain of energy.  Many times we feel low, The moment it happens, Think about most positive things that you have attained and you are going to attained. Our mind will pass the strong energetic wave of emotions to our body. Those emotions will force us to perform with full energy, those emotions will lead us forgetting our tiredness and pain. That energy will make our body stronger to fight and our body again will start feeling energetic.


Positive mind is best source of energy.


~Jyoti Yadav

Power Of Visualization

Always formulate (Visualize) an image of getting success on your goals. Visualize that image often. Our subconscious mind perceive it so strongly that it starts loving that feeling of being successful. Then we start giving more that 100% into that goal. Then we start pouring our heart, brain and soul into that goal.  Eventually it leads us to the real success.


That’s the Power of visualization.

~Jyoti Yadav

Purpose Of My Life

I have heard most of the successful people achieve the greatest height in there 20’s.

And I am still struggling with the purpose of my life.

Inspite of having a Decent Job, handsome salary, loving family, Good reputation, I don’t feel complete and peaceful. I feel like chasing something which is still unknown to me. I don’t know what is that? I am still looking for purpose of my life. I feel stressed, I feel low because in the age, where people have done remarkable things I am still finding my passion.

Does it means I don’t have any serious passion to do? I can’t have high dreams and capability of fulfill them. I am still struggling with these thoughts. I am still searching for purpose of my life.