A Trip To Rishikesh

Rishikesh is a wonderful tourist place mainly popular for River Rafting and camping. So, I along with my husband and siblings made a last minute plan for a trip to Rishikesh.

We opted for bus from Gurgaon to Rishikesh and it was a quite comfortable 6 hrs journey. In Morning we reached to Tapovan and proceed for river rafting.

Note: There is a weight limit of 90kgs for river rafting. Before planning for rafting, don’t forget to check your weight.

We got Live jacket, helmet and pedals along with an expert guide for river rafting. It was amazing to see boats floating in river. As soon as we started, it was just amazing.

We did 8kms river rafting. Meanwhile guide helped us on body surfing, cliff jumping.

Body surfing was so relaxing. It was like sleeping on a water bed. Cliff jumping was adventure. We choose one 25 feet cliff. For me it was the moment of fear before jumping into river. As I jumped into air, my heart was sinking with my body. But once I was inside the water, it felt amazing.

Over all Body surfing, rafting and cliff jumping was awesome experience.

For rest of the day, we stayed in camp in Shivpuri. Camps were located on small river side. We spend time on river side, played a lot with water and mountains.


Camping was not as per expected. The condition of camps were not good. But anyhow it was manageable.

Next day, we moved out to camp for trekking and we decide to trek to Neer Water fall.


We purchased tickets for water fall. Then we had to walk. The trekking was a bit difficult for me. But it was beautiful view of mountains and greenery. That was on only motivation to trek more 😛

After trekking for 30 mins we reached to starting point of mountain which has Neer waterfall. Now trekking was not on a well-built road. It was all on actual mountains, curves, stones, trees etc.

On the way to Neer waterfall, we got 2 small waterfall. People were enjoying over there under the water fall and it was giving a feeling to swimming pool as well along an bridge over it.

We traveled all the waterfalls on the way. Taking bath under waterfall was so much relaxing. Water was too cold to handle initially but in some time it was okay.

Coming back from the waterfall we enjoyed Maggie and tea, As there are so many stall for tea and Maggie.

Then we went to Ram jhula, Laxman Jhula and local market of Rishikest.  We spend some good time at river side near Ram jhula.

We enjoyed dinner at famous restaurant “ Chotiwala” in Rishikesh. Food was really nice and yes, Their Lassi is amazing. J

That’s all I have to share with you all about this trip 🙂



Smartest Person In The Room

Everyone will have different understanding by this quote. Today i will share my understanding about this quote. Today morning i just read this quote and i felt like i have learnt something unique from this quotation.

”  If you are the smartest person in the room that means everyone else in the room is going to learn many things from you. They might follow you, they might try to match up with your smartness but there is no scope for your improvement. There is no scope of your learning. Scope is finished for your growth. I strongly believe that everyone should always keep growing with each day of their life. We should be a better person with each passing day. Once you be in a room where everyone is your follower but you don’t have anyone to inspire you that means you are in wrong room. That simply means you are in a zone where your improvement is stopped“.

Thanks for reading :).

-Jyoti Yadav

ख्वाब सभी ऊँचे है मेरे

सुना है अक्सर लोगो को दोहराते हुए की ख्वाब सभी ऊँचे है मेरे,
गिर कर उठाना जानती हु इसलिए कहती हू ख्वाब सभी सच्चे है मेरे ।

अभी चलना ही सीखा  है इसने ऐसा कहना है उनका,
बचपन का सुरूर  है ऐसा मानना  है उनका,
उड़ान  क्या होती है कहाँ जाना है इसने ,
ज़िद्दी है थोड़ी इसलिए किसी का  कहा कहाँ माना  है इसने,
ठोकर खा कर गिरेगी तो होश संभल जायेंगे,
ऊँची उड़न उड़ने के सभी शोख़ बिखर जायेगे,
मैं भी ख़ामोशी से सुनती हू  सबकी बातें , क्योंकि इरादे अभी भी पक्के है मेरे,
गिर कर उठाना जानती हू इसलिए कहती हु ख्वाब  सच्चे  है मेरे,
सुना है अक्सर लोगो को दोहराते हुए की ख्वाब  सभी ऊँचे है मेरे।

लोग बेशबब ही मशरूफ है मेरी फ़िक्र मे,
ये सबूत है मेरे इरादों का की बार-बार नाम आता है मेरा उनके जिक्र में ,
पता नही लोग मेरे ख्वाबो की उड़ान से खफा है ?
शायद इसलिए ही रोकते मेरी राहें कई दफा है।
मैंने भी अगर ठान लिया है तो इबादतें सभी जरूरी करुँगी,
संघर्ष ही मेरा जीवन है कोशिशें हर सांस तक पूरी करुँगी,
मेरी मासूमियत  को  देख कर वो कहते है  इरादे अभी कच्चे है मेरे,
गिर कर उठाना जानती हू इसलिए कहती हू ख्वाब  सभी सच्चे  है मेरे,
सुना है अक्सर लोगो को दोहराते हुए की ख्वाब  सभी ऊँचे है मेरे।

मुश्किलें  फ़क़त  तब तक थी  जब तक फैसले  न लिए थे,
डर भी  बस तब तक था जब तक कदम आगे न लिए  थे,
मुश्किलों  ने भी दम तोड़ दिया जब  कदम आगे बढ़ाया,
हिम्मत ने भी खूब साथ दिया जब जंग का वक़्त आया ,
विश्वास को मेरे देख लोगे ने एक बार फिर  फ़रमाया,
इस बार इरादे कुछ उनको जंचे थे मेरे,
गिर कर उठाना जानती हू इसलिए कहती हू ख्वाब  सभी सच्चे  है मेरे,
सुना है अक्सर लोगो को दोहराते हुए की ख्वाब  सभी ऊँचे है मेरे।

                                              ~Jyoti Yadav
                Copyright ©Jyoti Yadav. All rights reserved. 


You say Black is Dark, I say black is Bright.

You say Black is scaring, I say black is daring.

You say black is bad, I say black is good.

You say black is evil, I say black is civil.

Black is dark, that’s why it makes us bright,

Black is dark that’s why we know the light.

Black is bad because we are sad,

Just be happy and see black is glad.

Black is scaring, because we are fearing,

Just be strong and see black is daring.

Black is evil, because inside us is devil,

Adapt the goodness and see black is civil.

Life is a slope, and then black is the hope

Fight hard and then come to the top.

Black is learning, black is a LESSON,

Absorb the struggle and come with PASSION,

Be black because black is a FASHION.

~Jyoti Yadav

Copyright ©Jyoti Yadav. All rights reserved.