Shifting from Unhappiness to Happiness

“I am one of those, who have all the happiness around them. But still they find out reasons to feel unhappy and dissatisfied. And i Accept it”

Why so….??

Why I am like that..??

May be Sometimes i am influenced by what other people have and what they do. I start comparing. I start feeling their life is better than mine.

This cause the sense of discomfort in me, And i start feeling unhappy. As a result i go in search of happiness. Which Actually i have with me. Because i have all the reasons to be happy.

I have a wonderful family.

I have a decent job.

I earn enough to survive.

I have my own house.

I have almost healthy body.

What else anyone could expect from life to be happy…??

Then why i forget all the reasons to feel satisfied and happy and try to find out the happiness in what other do and try to follow their footsteps.

Revealing your weakness isn’t easy. Yes, this is one of my weakness. I am trying my best to  come out of this negativity.

I hope I feel happy, I feel positive, I feel satisfied. 🙂


-Jyoti Yadav




Power Of Visualization

Always formulate (Visualize) an image of getting success on your goals. Visualize that image often. Our subconscious mind perceive it so strongly that it starts loving that feeling of being successful. Then we start giving more that 100% into that goal. Then we start pouring our heart, brain and soul into that goal.  Eventually it leads us to the real success.


That’s the Power of visualization.

~Jyoti Yadav

Everything happens for a reason.

Never ever feel low and sad just because you failed at one point in life because whatever happens, happens for a reason. So, your reason could be that you deserve something better. Just think about this line and start preparing about that better opportunity which you will have soon. 

Whatever has happened thats cant be changed. Sometimes in life we failed, we feel bad and than we get something better. Because God always plan best for us. Our plans can be failed but his plans can’t be.

Always trust God’s plan. 🙂

So next time when you fail, dont be sad. Just be happy becausw you are saved from the something which wasn’t worthy. You are saved from something that could be bad for you. 

Remember, Whatever happens, happens for a reason.
-Jyoti Yadav


When we say word ” Prayer”, we think of God. We think of a unseen power which we feel everytime around us. Thats why everytime in danger situation, we remember God. 
Why prayers are important…???

Doing prayer doesn’t necessarily mean that God is listening us but it simply means that we are listening ourselves. Our heart, brain and soul is listening us. We exactly tell in our prayers what we want in life and what we ask for? Now this is when our subconscious mind understand our desires and our intensity with which we crave for something in prayer. 

Then our mind, our soul make us more passionate and sincere towards which we were asking for in prayers. We do more hard work on it and our tedency to achieve that thing increases.

Thats how prayer works. That’s why we have heard many times that”God help those who help themselves”. May he thats why it is true.

Thats my opinion about prayer. I hope you all will write about yours 

Thanks 🙂
-Jyoti Yadav