Prayerise, Picturise and Actualise

Today I was reading one book “Power Of Positive Thinking” and I come across a chapter “Prayers”.

The power of prayers was expressed in an very unique and experimental way.

  • Prayerise : Talk to God in a very clear and simple way. Believe that he is around you. Tell him everything. Ask him whatever you want.
  • Picturise : Picturise what you want. Visualization of things which you want to achieve is best practice in achieving them. Picturise all positive things around you. Picturise like you have already achieved the goal.
  • Actualise : Once you follow these two practice, third one will happen that is actualise. Your dreams come true and you will be actyually what you dreamt for.

~Jyoti Yadav

Mind and Energy

Energy is most important for a human because whatever we perform it requires energy. A day well spend without loss of energy is very perfect day.  We should always keep positive images in our mind, those images continuously passes the positive energy to our body and we can do all our work with full force without drain of energy.  Many times we feel low, The moment it happens, Think about most positive things that you have attained and you are going to attained. Our mind will pass the strong energetic wave of emotions to our body. Those emotions will force us to perform with full energy, those emotions will lead us forgetting our tiredness and pain. That energy will make our body stronger to fight and our body again will start feeling energetic.


Positive mind is best source of energy.


~Jyoti Yadav

Quote # 6: Friend matters a lot

If you hang around 5 confident people, you’ll be the 6th.
If you hang around 5 intelligent people, you’ll be the 6th.
If you hang around 5 millionaires, you’ll be the 6th.
If you hang around 5 idiots, you’ll be the 6th.
If you hang around 5 broke people, you’ll be the 6th.

तुम में

Dear Soulmate,

This one is for you. I know you are working hard. I appreciate your each and every effort. I push you harder towards your goals. I understand you are also human being who loves to enjoy but still i make you more concentrated towards your ambition. These lines are from the bottom of my 💓. I wish you a very very successful life.

Truly you are amazing man. This poem is not receited by words. It is from the emotions. I am eagerly waiting for the day when we together will see our dream getting fulfilled. God bless you. Love. 🙂

कुछ तो है जो बहुत खास है तुम में
कुछ आसान नही बहुत मुश्किल
पाने की प्यास है तुम में।

ये मेरी ही आंखे हैं
जो देखती हैं बहुत आस तुम में।
लोगो की बातें सुन कर भी
करती हैं विश्वास तुम में।
कुछ तो है जो बहुत खास है तुम में
हार कर भी उठ कर खडे
होने का साहस है तुम में।
बार बार हिम्मत करने का
प्रयास है तुम में।
कुछ तो है जो बहुत खास है तुम में।

अपने रास्तों को ओर मंज़िल को
पाने की तलाश है तुम में।
दुआएं मेरी आँखों से निकल कर कहती हैं
कुछ तो है जो बहुत खास है तुम में।

सिर्फ अपने ही नही मेरे भी
हर सपने का हर इच्छा का
एहसास है तुम में।
होंगे कामयाब हम दोनों
सफतला का यहीं से आभाष है तुम में।
कुछ तो है जो बहुत खास है तुम में।

 - Jyoti Yadav

Dance the dance

Dance is the single word that brings smile on my face. Something is there which connects me with dance. Dance is my hobby but I want to make it my passion, my ambition.

As today I will be writing about dance that doesn’t mean I am an excellent dancer. But any ways, I am a good dancer.  I am not trained in any specific dancing style. I do free style dancing. Yet, people say I dance quiet well.  If I ever get chance then I will surely train myself in dancing.

I recognized my liking towards dance when I was 7-8 years old. But i never got any chance to train myself in dance. But what I know about dancing is that dancing is only activity when makes me happiest.

  • I forget everything when I dance.
  • When I dance, I feel happiest.
  • I sweat when I dance, I smell when I dance but I don’t stop.
  • However sad I am, if I am dancing, I can’t memorize why I was sad.
  • All aspects of sadness flows out of my body.
  • As the energy drained, Sadness also drains out of my body.
  • Every negative feeling flows out of my body with my every breath.
  • I feel light, I feel positive.
  • I feel confident. I feel strong.
  • I enjoy every bit of my time while dancing.
  • I enjoy the company of people while I dance.
  • I give company to people while dancing.
  • I talk to them, I understand them, and I learn from them, I hear their stories.
  • I laugh with them.
  • Dancing makes relationship stronger.

If there are so many positives and benefits of dance, then we should dance. We should take out some time for dance out of our busy schedule.

Dancing isn’t something which makes us happy only but dancing is also a good exercise, which keeps us healthy and motivated.  Dancing is very good habit for staying fit.

If you feel frustrated due to any reason, never shower your irritation on anyone. Shower it on dance. Every bit of your frustration will come out of your body. Your stress will be reduced. Your mind will be calm. Your heart will feel happy. Although, energy will be drained from your body but you will feel energized.

So, please everyone, be happy, Stay fit, Keep smiling, be motivated and keep dancing…!!!