Police : Safe or Frightened

What training Indian Police gets for their roles and responsibilities:

Police training includes indoor subjects like knowledge of laws, criminology, police leadership and management. Outdoor subjects include physical fitness, mob control and crowd management.

But why in most of cases, police is not able to perform their Role and responsibilities in adequate way. I have analyzed some cases and came up with a question that even police exactly knows what they need to do?

  • A victim need to wait hours/days/months/years to file a FIR.
  • An accused is put behind the bar without proper investigation.
  • People are dying under police custody.
  • Police is showing inhuman behavior to people.
  • Few Police personnel doesn’t pay for bus/train/auto fares.
  • Few Police personnel have lunch/dinner at restaurant and doesn’t pay bills.
  • Few Police personnel does purchasing without paying money.
  • Police interrogates a couple sitting in public place.
  • Police forces a female who came to them to lodge a FIR against her husband for domestic violence. May be the policeman has the same mentality that her husband has. So, for him beating a wife is perfectly fine for a husband.
  • Police forces a father to take down his complaint on her daughter’s in laws for dowry because he has also demanded dowry in his son’s marriage. So, it fine for you.
  • Police takes money from a neighbor of mine and put  a false compliant on my brother. In settlement there was a solution i.e. Money.

Being in Police doesn’t give you right to loot people. Being in police doesn’t give you right to frighten people. If i speak from the bottom of heart on the behalf of many Indians, “We don’t respect you we are afraid of you”

  • I thank you, You are standing for our protection on Holi, diwali and all the festival when rest of the country is celebrating.
  • I thank you, You get a child back to a mother when he was missing.
  • I thank you for each and everything that you have done for us.

But we need to feel safe with you not frightened. Everyday Our country is having so many crimes like rape, murder etc which are killing humanity among us. In this tough time i request you to show your strongest side. I expect from you to help people getting justice. I want you to stand by them so that no-one from a political party can harras them.

Be a support to this country not to political goons. Otherwise, People with stop believing in justice.

May be Unnao’s rape victim’s father could be saved. If you would have supported. 😦

Thanks …!!



Myth about applying Sindoor

By Hindu tradition, Women are supposed to wear Sindoor to show their marital status. It symbolize that woman is married. We follow the norms and protocol of society blindly without knowing the facts. Today I will discuss one fact about Sindoor “ What is the significance of Sindoor?”

In ancient times, women used to apply the sindoor with their hair part line. It symbolize their marital status as well as application of sindoor by married women carries physiological significance too.

This is so because Sindoor is prepared by mixing turmeric-lime and the metal mercury. Due to its intrinsic properties, mercury, besides controlling blood pressure also activates sexual drive. This also explains why Sindoor is prohibited for the widows.

Sindoor should be applied right upto the pituitary gland where all our feelings are centered. Pituitary gland is located at the centre of brain which controls many harmons.

Coming to modern era, we have forgotten the purpose of application of sindoor. What we have just remembered is connection Sindoor to Marital status.

Moreover, Now a days Sindoor is not just composition of turmeric-lime and the mercury, it has lead also which is toxic in nature. So application of sindoor doesn’t suffice the purpose for which this norm was created. Women now a days doesn’t apply it upto the Pituitary gland. So, it doesn’t regulate any harmon it just symbolized marital status only.

So, Next time when you apply Sindoor, Think why you are applying it.


~Jyoti Yadav

तुम में

Dear Soulmate,

This one is for you. I know you are working hard. I appreciate your each and every effort. I push you harder towards your goals. I understand you are also human being who loves to enjoy but still i make you more concentrated towards your ambition. These lines are from the bottom of my 💓. I wish you a very very successful life.

Truly you are amazing man. This poem is not receited by words. It is from the emotions. I am eagerly waiting for the day when we together will see our dream getting fulfilled. God bless you. Love. 🙂

कुछ तो है जो बहुत खास है तुम में
कुछ आसान नही बहुत मुश्किल
पाने की प्यास है तुम में।

ये मेरी ही आंखे हैं
जो देखती हैं बहुत आस तुम में।
लोगो की बातें सुन कर भी
करती हैं विश्वास तुम में।
कुछ तो है जो बहुत खास है तुम में
हार कर भी उठ कर खडे
होने का साहस है तुम में।
बार बार हिम्मत करने का
प्रयास है तुम में।
कुछ तो है जो बहुत खास है तुम में।

अपने रास्तों को ओर मंज़िल को
पाने की तलाश है तुम में।
दुआएं मेरी आँखों से निकल कर कहती हैं
कुछ तो है जो बहुत खास है तुम में।

सिर्फ अपने ही नही मेरे भी
हर सपने का हर इच्छा का
एहसास है तुम में।
होंगे कामयाब हम दोनों
सफतला का यहीं से आभाष है तुम में।
कुछ तो है जो बहुत खास है तुम में।

 - Jyoti Yadav


सुना एक बड़े आदमी को कहते हुए की,
वंश तो आगे औलाद ही बढ़ाएगी
मेरे मरने के बाद भी मेरा नाम चलाएगी।
मैं बेऔलाद, मैने अपने सारे संस्कार,
सारा प्यार एक अनाथ पे लूटा दिया।
आज मैं तो नही इस दुनिया मे, 
पर ऊपर से देखता हूं
दुनिया में मेरा नाम बहूत है। 

                                        ~Jyoti Yadav

Read Books

Read books….!! There we can find everything. Solution for every problem, Knowledge, wisdom, Positivity, Motivation, Inspiration almost everything we can find in books.

Books leads us to the right path.

Everything happens for a reason.

Never ever feel low and sad just because you failed at one point in life because whatever happens, happens for a reason. So, your reason could be that you deserve something better. Just think about this line and start preparing about that better opportunity which you will have soon. 

Whatever has happened thats cant be changed. Sometimes in life we failed, we feel bad and than we get something better. Because God always plan best for us. Our plans can be failed but his plans can’t be.

Always trust God’s plan. 🙂

So next time when you fail, dont be sad. Just be happy becausw you are saved from the something which wasn’t worthy. You are saved from something that could be bad for you. 

Remember, Whatever happens, happens for a reason.
-Jyoti Yadav

Smartest Person In The Room

Everyone will have different understanding by this quote. Today i will share my understanding about this quote. Today morning i just read this quote and i felt like i have learnt something unique from this quotation.

”  If you are the smartest person in the room that means everyone else in the room is going to learn many things from you. They might follow you, they might try to match up with your smartness but there is no scope for your improvement. There is no scope of your learning. Scope is finished for your growth. I strongly believe that everyone should always keep growing with each day of their life. We should be a better person with each passing day. Once you be in a room where everyone is your follower but you don’t have anyone to inspire you that means you are in wrong room. That simply means you are in a zone where your improvement is stopped“.

Thanks for reading :).

-Jyoti Yadav

Stop casteism

If sitting/eating/drinking/enjoying/touching with a lower caste person makes you equivalent to him or makes you a lower caste person. Then why isn’t vice versa true..???

If you are eating with him then he is also eating with you. Why doesn’t he become a upper caste person…??? Why only you became lower caste….??

Think and stop casteism.
Everyone of us is same. We all are human beings.

-Jyoti Yadav

Scientific Fact#1

Most of us knows that everyone has different fingerprint and eye retina and that’s why we have bio-metric to detect individual’s identity. But similarly, we have another fact that our tongue print is also different from each other’s tongue print.

Texture, length, color, fine lines, wrinkles on tongue makes a different tongue print.

So apart from fingerprints, eye retina we have one another unique identity that is our tongue print.


Image Credit : http://www.thefactspeak.com/wpcontent/uploads/2015/05/tongueprint.png