मेरी आँखे : My Eyes

अक्सर मेरी आँखे मेरे लबो से लड़ा करती है
क्यों झूठ सच का खेल खेलते हो ,पूछा करती है ।

मेरे लब जो की दुनियादारी निभाया करते है
मेरी आँखे जो सिर्फ सचाई बताया करती है |

मेरे लब जो लफ़्ज़ों मे उलझाया करते है
मेरी आँखे जो भावनाये साफ़ दिखया करती है |

मेरे लब जो कड़वाहट को पी जाया करते है
मेरी आँखे गुस्से सी उबलाया करती है |

मेरे लब जो अनचाहे ही फूल बरसाया करते है
मेरी आँखे तब मन का गुब्बार उगलाया करती है |

मेरे लब जो झूठे ही मुस्कुराया करते है
मेरी आँखे तब गम में तैर जाया करती है |

मेरे लब जो मुस्कराहट को तले दबाया करते है
मेरी आँखे तब खिलखिला हंस जाया करते है |

मेरे लब जो सब को उलझाया करते है
मेरी आँखे दृश्य साफ़ दिखया करती है |

लब असमंजस में रहते है
आँखे उन्हें सच्चाई का पाठ पढ़ाया करती है |

कहती है न लड़ो दोगलेपन से तुम
वो सत्य के पथ पे चलती जाया करती है |

लब भले ही मुकर जाया करते है
आँखे अपना एक ही फैसला सुनाया करती है |

सच झूठ का खेल ना खेलो तुम
वो पानी सी साफ़ छवि बनाया करती है |

अक्सर मेरी आँखे लबो को समझाया करती है
उनको पल पल सच बोलने के लिए उकसाया करती है|


Often my eyes do fight with my lips,
Why do you play a game of truth and lies? asked them.

My lips who are part of worldliness,
My eyes only express the reality.

My lips who made words complex,
My eyes who shows true emotions.

My lips who absorb all the bitterness,
My eyes fall out of anger.

My lips who blossom  flowers,
My eyes express the agitation.

My lips who try to control the smile under them,
My eyes keep sparkling with laughter and joy.

My lips who make everyone perplex,
My eyes show them everyone clear picture.

Lips are often confused and indecisive,
My eyes tell them a lesson of truth.

They teach lips, not to fight with double meaning,
They keep going on path of truth.

Lips often disavow,
But eyes always follow their vows.

Don’t play a game of truth and lies,
Make  a clear picture like water.

Often my eyes make my lips understand,
Often my eyes provoke my lips to tell truth.


~Jyoti Yadav

Copyright ©Jyoti Yadav. All rights reserved.

एक रिश्ता मुश्किलो से : A relation with hurdles

अजीब सा रिश्ता है हमारा मुश्किलो से,
ऊंचाइयों पे पहुचाती भी यही है,
और खाइयो में गिरती भी यही है ।

कशमकश  में हूँ  की शुक्रिया करू  एक,
या बलाए कहु  इनको,
क्योंकि ज़िन्दगी की सच्चाई बताती भी यही है,
और ज़िन्दगी की भाग दौड़ से थकाती भी यही है ।

जो रूठ जाऊ इनसे तो जीने की वजह नहीं मिलती,
जो सामना करू एक तो जीवन कठिन लगता है,
क्योंकि  लड़ने की ताकत भी यही है ,
और गिराने की वजह भी यही है ।

कभी खुसनसीब समझती हूँ खुद को ,
कभी बदनसीब भी इन्ही से समझती हूँ,
क्योंकि जीवन में ख़ुशी भी लाती यही है
और जीवन को दुखद भी बनाती यही है ।

खो जाती हूँ मुश्किलो की आंधियो में ,
घिर जाती हूँ गम के बदलो में,
फिर खुद की पहचान करवाती भी यही है
और आसमानों से मिलवाती भी वही है ।

अजीब सा रिश्ता है हमारा मुश्किलो से.
ऊंचाइयों पे पहुचाती भी यही है,
और खाइयो में गिरती भी यही है।

                                                  ~Jyoti Yadav

Copyright ©Jyoti Yadav. All rights reserved.


I have a strange relation with hurdles/troubles.
They helped me in reaching the heights of sky,
and they are the responsible for my deep fall.

I am in dilemma whether to thank them,
or curse them.
Because they helped me in realizing the life and they are responsible for hecticness.

If i am angry with them then i cant find any way to live,
If i want to face them then life seems in trouble,
Because power for fight is given by troubles and they are responsible for my decay also.

Sometimes i feel fortunate because of them,
Sometimes i feel unfortunate because of them,
Happiness in life is because of them and sadness in life is also because of them.

I feel lost in storm of troubles,
I feel surrounded in depth of sadness,
Then they help me self realization and they made me feel free in the sky.

I have a strange relation with hurdles/troubles.
They helped me in reaching the heights of sky,
And they are the responsible for my deep fall.

                                                                                    ~Jyoti Yadav

Copyright ©Jyoti Yadav. All rights reserved.

There he was…

She was leaving the college for the day. She picked her bag and moved out of the classroom with her friend. As they both were walking out from the college, in her entire walk from class to exit main door, she wholeheartedly wanted to see him. It was hardly 150 meters that she needed to walk for exit door. As she was on downstairs, she thought of going to water-cooler so that she can get one more chance to spend few more seconds there for him. It was so fortunate, that he was already present at water-cooler. What else she wanted in her life. Seeing him in front of her eyes made her on sky 9th. Now she could happily leave the college for the day. While she was moving out from the corridor, her friend said “He will be there at balcony to see you because he saw that you are moving out with your bag he knows that you are leaving for home. He will surely come to see you.”

I wanted her statement to be true but I wasn’t confident about what she said few seconds back. But somewhere my heart was jumping out to see if he really comes to see me. As I was about to take last step towards exit, my heart made me turned back towards the balcony of college and THERE HE WAS.

                                                                                                       ~ Jyoti Yadav

Copyright ©Jyoti Yadav. All rights reserved.

Dear Wife, My Last wish…….

Dear Wife,

My life, my love is all yours,
I will gonna love you forever.

I wanna tell you that you are a bliss,
But still, i must tell you that i have a wish.

When i die, burry me in backyard of our home,
Don't burn me with the traditional norms.

I know, on this, you would be about to cry,
But look at stars i will be in the sky.

Get me buried there, this have a reason,
Because i will always be with you every season.

Because i wanna be alive till my last breath,
Because i wanna be alive even after my death.

When you will grow plants in backyard,
In every flower, i will be smiling at you like a guard.

When you walk barefoot on grass,
You will feel me with every footstep pass.

When winds will blow,
You will smell me with the wind flow.

Because i wanna love you till my last breath,
Because i wanna love you even after my death.

When storm will come, don’t be numb.
Because protective wall i will become.

Don’t fear when it’s dark,
See me in light when it sparks.

When our children will play in lawn,
I will be watching them from dawn.

When you will be cooking inside,
I will feel the craving in wide.

Because i wanna be with you till my last breath,
Because i wanna be with you even after my death.

When it will be your birthday, Dress up like a pretty doll,
Because i will be still looking at you like a heart fall.

When our family will be celebrating together
I will be enjoying seeing you all getting stronger.

When you will be old, don’t make your life on hold.
I will still be with you, as i told.

Don’t be sad when you miss me,
I will always be around you in the winds,
Just hold your breath and kiss me.

Because I wanna be alive till my last breath,
Because I wanna be alive even after my death.

                                                    ~Jyoti Yadav
                     Copyright ©Jyoti Yadav. All rights reserved. 


उसने कहा बदसूरत  दिखती हू  मैं ,

मैंने भी पूछ लिए क्यूँ ..???

उसने कहा क्योंकि गरीब हू मैं ,

स्थिर सा रह गया उसका जवाब सुन कर मैं ,

सोचने लगा कही सही तो नहीं कह रही वो ,

आजकल के बदलते ज़माने में खूबसूरती को अमीरी से ही जाना जाता है ।

फिर अंदर से एक आवाज़ आयी  ,

जिसने खूबसूरती की पहचान करवाई ।

मैं  मुडा उसकी तरफ और बोला,

बेशक़ गरीब हो तुम पर खूबसूरत हो तुम ।

उसने कहा कपडे मैले हैं  मेरे ,

मैंने कहा चरित्र साफ़ है तुम्हारा ।

उसने कहा चेहरा मुरझाया है मेरा ,

मैंने कहा आँखों में चमक  है तुम्हारे ।

उसने कहा जूते फटे है मेरे ,

मैंने कहा कदमो में जान है तुम्हारे ।

उसने कहा हाथ गंदे है मेरे ,

मैंने कहा इन्ही में पहचान है तुम्हरी।   ,

उसने कहा फुटपाथ पे रहती हू  मैं ,

मैंने कहा आसमान तले घर है तुम्हारा ।

समझाया मैंने उसे खूबसूरती चेहरे से  नही मन से होती है ,

गरीब है ये सोच कर पगली तू  क्यूँ  रोती  है,

उठ और संघर्ष  कर फिर देख, कैसे फुटपाथ पे भी तू चैन की नींद सोती है ।

कठिनाइयों  से लड़ और डर का सामना कर फिर देख ,

कैसे दुनिया तेरी खूबसूरती की चर्चो के मोतियों को  सफलता की माला में पिरोती है ।

एक बार फिर कहता हु गौर करना, खूबसूरती  चेहरे से  नही मन से होती है।

गरीब है ये सोच कर पगली तू  क्यूँ  रोती  है।

                                                                                                ~ Jyoti Yadav

Copyright ©Jyoti Yadav. All rights reserved.

She said “I am ugly”.

I asked “Why do you feel so”?


She said “Because I am poor”.

I was astonished to hear her answer.


I started thinking.. What if she is saying right..??

Because in today’s modern world, money is the beauty.


Then my inner self made some gesture,

That made me understands true definition of beauty.


I turned to her and said

You are beautiful provided you are poor.


She said “My clothes are dirty”.

I replied” But your character is clean.”

She said “My face is dull and dark”.

I replied “But your eyes are sparkling”.

She said “My shoes are torn”.

I replied “But your legs are strong”.

She said “My hands are unhygienic”.

I replied “These hands will make your identity”.

She said “I live at footpath”.

I replied “You are living under the open sky”.


I made her understand that beauty is by heart not by face.

Why are you crying thinking that you are poor?

Just get up, struggle and see how peacefully you sleep on footpath also.


Fight with hurdles, fear and then see,

How this world will talk about your beauty and success,

Once again I am saying, beauty is by heart not by face. Then why are you crying for your poverty.

                                                                                                                               ~ Jyoti Yadav

                                                                               Copyright ©Jyoti Yadav. All rights reserved.

You and My passion

To love you is my strongest passion,

Winning you every day is greatest lesson,

So much love is inside your eyes,

Then why word always says something lies,

You couldn’t resist peeping at me,

Then why are you scared of being you and me, WE,

Your love, your emotion is in your action,

Let me tell you,  Yes, you are my passion,

But I don’t want you to treat me with compassion,

You are not related to me but still you are my strongest relation,

If your eyes say truth, then make me your passion,

And let’s make a world of dream, that will be our mansion,

To loving you is my strongest passion,

Winning you every day is greatest lesson.

                                                                                                        ~Jyoti Yadav

Copyright ©Jyoti Yadav. All rights reserved.

I value the writer in me

Thanks to the troubles,

Thanks to the hurdles,

Thanks to the demotivation,

Thanks to the agitation,

Thanks to the Night,

Thanks to the fright,

Thanks to the loneliness,

Thanks to the sadness,

Thanks to the critics,

Thanks to the lyrics,

Because you made me a fighter,

Because you made me a writer.

~Jyoti Yadav

Copyright ©Jyoti Yadav. All rights reserved.


I am a strong woman

She is a strong woman or a weak woman?  May times this question come to her mind? But real answer she rarely find. She is strong. She does pretend strong. She stays strong. She communicates strong. She is the strength of others. She motivates other. She helps others. She makes them laugh. She supports them.

Yes, she does everything for others whatever she could do for them. She feels strong. They feel she is strong lady. But actually is she..??

If the question is about being strong for others, she does it very well. But when similar situation of troubles, hurdles, up and downs comes to her, why she feels no stronger..? Why she feels low..?  Why she feels demotivate? Why she cries in alone?

Yes, she cries in alone and she doesn’t tell reason to anyone. She doesn’t want anyone to see her crying because they think she is strong woman. If they see her crying, what they will think about her? And that’s why she does it in alone.

A woman who has been strength of other, See cries in alone. So that nobody sees her and thinks that she is weak. But she knows inside that she isn’t strong anymore.

She is still in dilemma whether she is a strong woman or a weak woman..???


Can you answer her dilemma…??????

Have a good day…!!

Have a good day… Almost everyday we listen this sentence. But have we ever thought how can we make our day good..???

Well, i will be writing about my philosophy on same. We make our day good or bad by ourselves. We are partially responsible for our good or bad day. I always believe in following two things for making my day good or bad.

1. Always wake-up in morning with energetic feeling and a smile on your face. This will give you positive feelings and attitude. It symbolized that you will face all the hurdles of your day with a positive attitude and smiling face.

Suggestion : Never fight with anyone in morning. Many times it happens that we indulge in a argument with our family in morning. Even if another person starts arguments then try to avoid it. This can make your day better as well as others also.
2. Never sleep with bad or ill feelings in night. Make sure before you go to the sleep, you must sort out your issues with your loved ones. This will reduce your mental stress and you would be able to sleep peacefully.

Suggestion: Most of the time we fight with our loved ones in night because this is the time when we are Highly frustrated and we find someone who can bear our frustration from whole day. If something happens like that with you then try to sort out everything before you go to the sleep. This will reduce burden from your heart as well as mind. You will have a nice sleep in night.
So, i wish everyone a GOOD day… !!!
                                                                                                                                       -Jyoti Yadav

मेरी अरदास

This poem is dedicated to my Father, Because this prayer is his thought.


जब तक मेरी  सांस हो, यही मेरी अरदास हो ,

अगर हाथ जो आगे बढ़ाऊ,  तो वो लेने ना दें पे  हो,

फैले हाथ मेरा जो कभी तो, वो ईश्वर के दर पे ही हो,

बनु सहायक औरो का  मैं, ऐसी मेरी आस हो ,

जब तक मेरी  सांस हो, यही मेरी अरदास हो ।

खुद को इतना सक्षम  बनाऊ ,जीवन में आगे बढ़ता जाऊ ,

किसी को छोटा  बड़ा ना समझू ,सबको समान  द्रष्टि से देखु ,

ना  कोई अपना ना  कोई पराया, हर कोई मेरा ख़ास हो ,

जब तक मेरी  सांस हो, यही मेरी अरदास हो ।

मुस्किलो से लड़ता  जाऊ ,फिर भी आगे बढ़ता जाऊ ,

हिम्मत का साफा  बांध लिया है ,कोशिशों को भी साथ लिया है ,

ना  थकना है ना  रुकना है ,बस अब चलते जाना है ,

थक कर कभी ना  गिरने देना, यही मेरा दर्खाश्त हो ,

जब तक मेरी  सांस हो , यही मेरी अरदास हो

प्रेम भाव से मिल कर रहना है, ना कोई दूर दराज़ हो ,

न खामोशि में दबने पाए कोई, हर कोई एक आवाज़ हो ,

धन चहिये नही , दौलत चाहिए नही ,

पैसे का ना साथ हो ,

कुछ कमाऊ जो इस दुनिया में तो, वो इज़्ज़त और सम्मान हो ,

जब कोई नाम बोले मेरा तो, उसमे एक विश्वास हो ,

जब तक मेरी  सांस हो , यही मेरी अरदास हो।

अगर कभी जो नाम कमाऊ, तो मुझमे ना  अहंकार हो ,

मन का नम्र  रहू हमेशा , नियत मेरी साफ़ हो ,

अगर हाथ जो आगे बढ़ाऊ,  तो वो लेने ना दें पे  हो,

फैले हाथ मेरा जो कभी तो, वो ईश्वर के दर पे ही हो,

बनु सहायक औरो का  मैं ऐसी मेरी आस हो ,

जब तक मेरी  सांस हो, यही मेरी अरदास हो ।

                                                    ~Jyoti Yadav

Copyright ©Jyoti Yadav. All rights reserved.