Burning Desire

Her face

Red like burning sun

Her eyes

Tempering like boiling water

She is walking

In middle of afternoon

She is boiling

Under the Orange sky

Her thrift isn’t easy

She is speeding

More than burning sun

She isn’t tired

She isn’t feeling hot


A desire is burning inside her

More than the burning sun

The Women

She is

About to change the world.

लुप्त होता नारित्व:: Losing femininity

Today’ woman is educated, independent, strong and leading in every field. But along with the progress and competition, somewhere they have forgotten their femininity. They are more into competition with men rathar than strengthen themselves.

True purpose of women empowerment has been lost. Now a days, woman are leaving their ethics, culture and traditions behind for wrong sake of women empowerment.

त्राहि त्राहि है आज नारी शक्ति के नाम पर
नारी एक शक्ति है विश्वास है 
न लुप्त करो नारित्व को
नारी शसक्तीकरण के नाम पर।

जाने वो सभ्यताए आज कहाँ खो गई है 
देख इस कलयुग को तो भारत माता भी रो गई है ।

ना आज वो पायल की छम छम है
ना आज वो चूडी की खन खन है
ना आज वो माथे पे बिंदिया है 
ना आज वो लहराती चुनरिया है ।


आज की नारी स्वतंत्र है ,शिक्षित है 
आज की नारी अकेले ही पूरी और विकसीत है।
उल्हास है नारी आगे बढ़ रही है
और तररकी की सीढ़ी चढ़ रही है।

वक़्त इस गति से बदल रहा है
की हर कोई पश्चिमीकरण की और ढल रहा है।
सभ्यताओं को पीछे छोड़ कर आगे बढ़ाना
शायद संस्कारो का मरण है
क्या बिंदिया चूड़ी और पायल से दूर हटना ही
नारी शसक्तीकरण है?
क्या पहनावा और भेष बदलना ही 
महिला शसक्तीकरण है?

आज को महिला पुरुषों से समानता दिखाने की होड़ में है
उनसे ज्यादा उनसे बेहतर कर दिखाने की दौड़ में है।

ये कोई मुकाबला नहीं
जिसमे किसी को हारना या जीतना है
ये जीवन दो पहिये की गाड़ी है 
जिसे दोनों को मिल कर खींचना है।

नारी एक शक्ति है नारी एक भक्ति है
ऐ नारी इतना भी न आक्रोश में आओ
की नारी शक्ति से नारित्व ही लुप्त हो जाये

नारी एक पूजा है नारी एक देवी है
ऐ नारी न इतना आधुनिकरण को अपनाओ
की नारी शक्ति से नारित्व ही गुप्त जो जाये।

त्राहि त्राहि है आज नारी शक्ति के नाम पर
न लुप्त करो नारित्व को नारी शसक्तीकरण के नाम पर।

-Jyoti Yadav


Flower is your smile,
Wind is your laughter,
Rain is your dance,
Music is your voice,
You are a woman and you are beautiful.

Hard work is in your hand,
Passion is in your heart,
Ambition is in your head,
Motive is in your action,
You are a woman and you are Successful.

Strong are your decisions,
Strength is in your deeds,
Focused are your aims,
Impact is in your words,
You are a woman and you are powerful.

Love is in your soul,
Care is in your feelings,
Kindness is in your gesture,
You are woman and that’s why my life is colorful.

Is it really difficult to be a women…????

~Jyoti Yadav

Copyright ©Jyoti Yadav. All rights reserved.


I am a strong woman

She is a strong woman or a weak woman?  May times this question come to her mind? But real answer she rarely find. She is strong. She does pretend strong. She stays strong. She communicates strong. She is the strength of others. She motivates other. She helps others. She makes them laugh. She supports them.

Yes, she does everything for others whatever she could do for them. She feels strong. They feel she is strong lady. But actually is she..??

If the question is about being strong for others, she does it very well. But when similar situation of troubles, hurdles, up and downs comes to her, why she feels no stronger..? Why she feels low..?  Why she feels demotivate? Why she cries in alone?

Yes, she cries in alone and she doesn’t tell reason to anyone. She doesn’t want anyone to see her crying because they think she is strong woman. If they see her crying, what they will think about her? And that’s why she does it in alone.

A woman who has been strength of other, See cries in alone. So that nobody sees her and thinks that she is weak. But she knows inside that she isn’t strong anymore.

She is still in dilemma whether she is a strong woman or a weak woman..???


Can you answer her dilemma…??????

Respect Your Woman

It was 6 PM in evening. I was travelling in Delhi-Gurgaon metro with my husband.

After lot of wait i finally got a seat. As i sat down on seat i saw a couple sitting at front seat with their two kids.

They look like a happy couple. Woman was wearing quite modern cloths.

The kid’s age would be approx. 6 and 3 years. Boys were playing with poles in metro. They were laughing. They were running.  Boys were very happy. May be they found metro poles a good place to play with.

Their mom was protecting them. She was handling them well. Father was also very concerned about his kids like every parent do.

I was also smiling at them. Watching kids running, playing. Meanwhile in this observation, Man stood up from his seat. I got idea that they are reached to their destination and they are about to deboard the metro.

Man stood up near metro gate and woman was handling both the kids. Meanwhile in this handling his younger son’s forehead got hit by metro pole. He started crying loudly.

As man saw this he was so furious over his wife that he almost raised his hand to his wife. He was almost to slap her in metro. But anyhow he stopped his hand in midway. He started abusing his wife “Can’t you handle two kids? It was just 2 minutes that i gave you this responsibility and see what you have done. He was abusing his wife in front of everyone”.

And the lady, she was peeping to me embarrassingly if i am still observing them or not. She was having a look if anyone in metro is not observing them. She was just giving explanation to her husband that she intentionally didn’t do anything. It was just accident that happened. I was holding older kid and younger one just run away and he got hurt.

She was about to cry. She was helpless. She was embarrassed. She was losing her self-respect.

I was furious over the man’s activity. But i kept quiet and saw everything that happened there. That incident really made me think over the identity and existence of woman.

What women are made of? Don’t they feel embarrassed..?? Don’t they feel disrespected..?? What is their identity..??

Why they are married… Just to be insulted in front of everyone..?? Are they objects..??

Why that woman kept quite while his husband was insulting him..?

How dare that man to raise his hand to his wife..?? From where he accumulated such kind of dare to abuse his wife in public…??

What would be his mentality towards his wife..?

What if they would have been in their home and such incident happened… He might have hit his wife badly.

Why he didn’t understand that they are also her kids. She is mother of those kids. She knows best how to take care of them. She is the one who loves them most. She is prime care taker of her kids. This was just accident. It could have done with anyone.

Why that man got so furious over his wife. How insulted she would have felt in public. She must be crying inside. She was suffering.

I just recalled whatever i saw few moments back. I was thinking how happy their family is. How beautiful their kids are.

That incident was a reality check for me; my all thoughts of seeing them as a beautiful family were vanished.

It happens to woman, they are treated as objects. They get hurt. They feel bad, they cry, they suffer, they tolerate and eventually it becomes their habit and they think they are meant for this only. They start thinking that everything happening to them is nothing different it’s completely ordinary.

No… It’s not. You are not object. You also have heart, you also have senses, you also have brain, you also have feeling and emotions.

You are also a creature by God like Men. You also deserve respect and happiness. You are not for being ill-treated always.

I just got married one year back. We Hindu’s have “Saat fere- Seven-rounds” during wedding. Those seven rounds mean one promise with one round which husband and wife give to each other.

One important promise given by husband to wife is: ” I will never ever insult you, neither in private nor in public”. That promise a husband made in front of purity of fire.

What happens to that promise? Marriage is all about those 7 promises we make to each other.

But that man already broke that promise. Now what should i say..?? Is that man really married to his wife? Is he really committed to his wife…??? I think No..!!

I just sat down and think over it again and again…. Approx. 20 days has been passed, i saw this incident. But that man made such a scar on his image that i can’t forget whatever i saw.

I still ask myself… Why men and woman are being treated differently…???


But I always thank God for giving me such a kind, loving and sensible husband who respects me a lot. Who always keep his promises.

~Jyoti Yadav

Copyright ©Jyoti Yadav. All rights reserved.

Is it really difficult to be a women…????



It’s not hard to be women. God has created women and men both. But the duties and responsibilities for men and women are decided on this earth.

Now days we talk lot about women empowerment. Women themselves are so concerned about their empowerment.

Women work outside their homes.

Women earn like men do.

Women do business, jobs, fight, social work, art, boxing, playing outdoor games and all.

They are doing excellent in every area where men are doing. Even many women left men behind.

Now this is not only what God has decided as their role and responsibilities. But Yes, God has given such a super power to women that they only can give birth to a child which a man can’t.

Women have such a supreme power because she can do anything a man can do along with bringing a new life into this world which a men can’t do.

I know many of you must be thinking that men are also part of bringing a new life into this world. Yes, very true…..!!!! But power to give birth is only given to women.

Today’s women has been so busy in competing with men that they have forgotten that why God has given this power to them only?

God has given this power to women because they can only make this world a beautiful place to live for their children. They can nurture best their children in every aspect. They can give the best etiquettes and best knowledge. They can create a best foundation for their children’s childhood. Only a woman can make her child a man full of love, respect, sensibility, etiquettes, power and a good characterized person.

May be that’s why God has created women to give birth to a child. But today’s women have somehow forgotten their prime responsibility with which they are born. They are so busy in competing with the world of men.

Why she needs to do so ……??????

When she is already with supreme powers……!!!!

William Golding has said rightly:

I think women are foolish to pretend they are equal to men, they are far superior and always have been.”