A Mother…

“I saw a girl having folic acid in pre-conception process. So, she can deliver a healthy baby.
Then i saw a old mother waiting for his son to come and just pay some attention on her existence.

These two lines might not sound relevant to few. There is deep meaning and pain in these lines.

A mother starts preparing for her child even before it is born. She is concerned of conceiving a healthy baby. So her child doesn’t face any difficulty in life. She takes care of every single thing before the baby is born.
On the other hand, A mother who did uncountable sacrifices in her life to give best to her children. What she got in return…??

Disrespect, Ignorance, Sorrows.

Words falls short to explain the pain of that mother her eyes cant weep anymore. Her soul is deeply crushed. Everything has been changed about her but one thing will always be same that she will always be a “Mother”.

“Maa hai toh bchcho pe koi aanch nahi
Uski mamta kisiki shukriya ki mohtaaz nhi”

~Jyoti Yadav

Why Time Is So Heartless..????

Just passed by a slum

An infant was crying

 over her mother’s dead body

My soul shivered

I felt I should return back

And shower the happiness

On that child

But I moved on…

Because I am helpless..

Because I am heartless..

So that people call me TIME.

~Jyoti Yadv

वक़्त हूं मैं

अभी गुज़रा था एक मोहल्ले से तो देखा
एक मासूम अपनी माँ के मृत शरीर से लिपट कर रो रहा था
रूह कांप उठी वो नज़ारा देख कर
मन किया वापस लौट जाओ
ओर लौटा दूँ खुशियाँ उस मासूम को
मगर क्या करूँ वक़्त हूं मैं
दिल पे पत्थर रख के आगे बढ़ गया।

आगे बढ़ा गुज़रा एक शहर से तो देखा
एक नौजवान बेरोज़गारी में मायूस बैठा है
उदासी छाई उसको देख कर
मन किया दौड़ के जाऊ
ओर उसका भविष्य दिला दूँ उसको
मगर क्या करूँ थोड़ा सख्त हू मैं
आंखे बंद करके आगे बढ़ गया।

गुज़रा एक सरहद से तो देखा
जंग में जाने कुर्बान हो रही है
दिल बैठ गया इतनी नफरत देख कर
मन किया बदल दू कायनात
ओर प्यार भर दूँ इनमे
मगर क्या करूँ लाल रक्त सा हूं मैं
लड़ते जवानों के जिस्म से बह गया।


~Jyoti Yadav

पहचान : Her identity

गुमनाम सी है पहचान उस औरत की

जो ता-उम्र घरोंदा बनाती रही।

माँ कहता है कोई उसे

पत्नी भी है किसी की वो

बड़ी माँ है किसी की तो

बड़ी बहु है किसी की

वो ता-उम्र रिश्ते निभाती रही

अपमान हुए उसके

बलिदान भी दिए उसने

फिर भी जिम्मेदारियों का बोझ उठती रही।

संतान को मिले एक अच्चा जीवन

आगे पढ़े और बढे

उन पर अपनी ममता लुटती रही।

जिन बहुओ को बेटो से बढ़ कर माना

उनके गुस्से और जिद्द के आगे सर झुकाती रही।

सबका भला चाहती है वो

सबका दर्द समझती है वो

बस अपनी तकलीफों को छुपाती रही।

सहनशील रही वो हर पल

ताकि टूटने न पाए उसका घरोंदा

अपनी ख्वाहिसो को दबाती रही।

स्वार्थी है सब लोग यहाँ

हर कोई अपनी जरूरत के लिए उसे आजमाता रहा।

जब वक़्त आया उसका क़र्ज़ उतारने का

तो हर कोई अपना दामन बचाता रहा।

ता-उम्र कमाया उसने जिस घर में

वो घर उसके स्वाभिमान को गिराता रहा।

बेनाम हो गई उसकी ता-उम्र की मेहनत

कही खो सा गया उसके होने का वजूद

खामखा ही घरोंदा वो सजाती रही।

गुमनाम सी है पहचान उस औरत की

जो ता-उम्र घरोंदा बनती रही।

-Jyoti Yadav

Copyright ©Jyoti Yadav. All rights reserved.


Flower is your smile,
Wind is your laughter,
Rain is your dance,
Music is your voice,
You are a woman and you are beautiful.

Hard work is in your hand,
Passion is in your heart,
Ambition is in your head,
Motive is in your action,
You are a woman and you are Successful.

Strong are your decisions,
Strength is in your deeds,
Focused are your aims,
Impact is in your words,
You are a woman and you are powerful.

Love is in your soul,
Care is in your feelings,
Kindness is in your gesture,
You are woman and that’s why my life is colorful.

Is it really difficult to be a women…????

~Jyoti Yadav

Copyright ©Jyoti Yadav. All rights reserved.


No Expectation No Disappointment

“No Expectation

No Disappointment”

Have read and heard above quotation number of times from number of people.  But in practical situation is it possible..???

I guess… No..!!

Today I will not be taking full coverage of this topic. I will be just talking about a small portion of Expectation vs Disappointment.  I will be covering the expectation of parents and disappointment from children. I won’t be writing about the kids and young parents, I will be writing about young children and old parents.

When I say young children that means they are mature enough to take decisions. They are mature enough for understand every aspects of relation.  They are mature enough to deal with critical situations in home.

When I say old parents that means who are in 3rd phase of their life. They have done all for your born and brought up. They have nurtured you in the best way. They almost provided you everything that you wanted in your life. They took loan for your education. They sold their property for your higher degree. The father, he doesn’t buy new suits for every occasion, so that he can cut down the cost and save some money for your fees. The mother she always save some money from her house hold expenses, so that she can provide you that money whenever you need some money for partying with your friends and your father refused for same. They bought you a bike when you were in college. They bought some property/House/ land, thinking that you don’t feel burden once you complete your education. So, that you can directly start your new life and you won’t struggle much in buying some property etc. They think so much in depth that they almost did everything for your future life also.

Now, their age is more than 60-65 Years. Now their health has started deteriorating.  Their hands and legs are weak. Their eye sight is not 6/6 now. Their vision is poor. They shiver while walking. So, they need support of something. They can’t walk alone in night. Sometimes they fall down due to darkness in night. They are not healthy for cooking, cleaning, washing etc. They start feeling tired so soon. They need rest. They are tired of struggle of their life. They start feeling light that they have done everything best for their children and their children must be happy. Life was so busy for them and their children also, because they were struggling each bit of their time for their children’s best education and lifestyle and children were busy in their education and lifestyle.

But now they are happy, that everything is gone now. They have done all for their children; they children are well educated and respectable personality in society. They may be some Gazetted officer, a businessman or may be an engineer or manager. They have achieved high position in their life. Over this success of their children, parents are so happy and proud. Now, parents want to spend some quality time with their children because now they are free from all responsibilities.  They want love, time, respect from their children because that’s how they have invested their life into their children. So they want something in return and that is only TIME, LOVE, and RESPECT.

But children got posted for their job to some different locations.  Due to which they are unable to stay with their parents. They leave their parents behind and start a new life with their own family.

When I say own family, that means wife/Husband and kids. They got busy with their new life with their immediate family. Unfortunately, their parents are not part of their immediate family now.

Still, parents are happy because they see their children happy with their own family. They smiles to see them happy but from inside they feel like crying because they don’t see any space for them in their immediate family. Parents, they just live alone in an old house. They cook for themselves, they wash their cloths. They clean their house. But still they have so much free time because now at this age they don’t work. They stay at home. They go for a walk so that they can pass their time. They sit in a group of people or neighbor so that they don’t feel lonely. They listen radio in night so that they can keep themselves engaged.

One day parents are not well. They fell ill. They need treatment and doctor. Children come to see them but there is conflict that who will take them to doctor? Elder son or younger son..?

To clear out the conflict they decide that elder one will take to doctor and pay all expenses and younger one will take care of them and take them to their home post treatment until they are not well again.

Father/mother in her bed crying, think had I ever thought of dividing my responsibilities when I was upbringing my both sons..? Had I ever pay one’s fee and next time other fee..?? If both were not well… Then had I ever taken only one of them to doctor..??

Anyhow son took his parents to his home. The home which was provided by his parents. Now it’s his home. In presence of his ill mother/Father, his wife thinks that her kids are not safe. They might get infection due to ill mother/Father. His wife’s freedom is lost because she can’t go out anytime. His kids thinks that their grandparents are not stylish enough, They wear traditional cloths, what if anyone of their friends come to home and see their grandparents like that.

How strange…!!! Nobody is bothered about their health, loneliness, pain, struggle through which they have gone throughout their life. Everyone is bothered about infection, hygiene, being stylish, backwardness etc.

Poor parents, Next day early in morning they pack their bag and come back to their home. That old home where they have spent their entire life and most probably they will end up their life there.

I don’t understand how this quotation is correct “No Expectation No Disappointment”?

Is it wrong that parents do expect small amount of time, love and respect from their children …????

Is it right that children disappoint them in every aspect …????

    ~ Jyoti Yadav

मेरे ज़मीन आसमान

सब अछा ही था जब मैं मुड़ा था यहाँ से,
कुछ था जो फिर भी जुड़ा था यहाँ से।

माँ ने कहा अपना ख्याल रखना बेटा, 
पापा ने भी हंस के विदा किया मुझे।

पापा अपने ही दिया मेरे सपनो का जहाँ, 
आप ही तो है मेरे ज़मीनऔर आसमान।

ख़ुशी की लहर थी मेरी तरक़्की पे घर में,
याद आती थी उनकी उस अनजाने शहर में।

पर मालूम था पापा संभाल लेंगें सब एक पहर में, 
माँ-पापा ही तो सहारा है एक दुसरे का ज़िन्दगी के इस सफर में।

कुछ ही दीन बीते  थे, खबर आयी की पापा ठीक नही है,
सुनते ही लगा जैसे सर से आसमान और पैरों से जमीं छीन गयी,

हो भी क्यूँ ना,
क्यूंकि आप ही तो हैं मेरे पैरों की जमीन और सिर का आसमान।

वापस आया तो वक़्त ने सबसे पहले पापा का मुरझाया हुआ चहरा दिखया,
कमजोर हो गए थे वो फिर भी उनको मुस्कुराते हुए पाया,

माँ रोक ना सकी खुद को मुझे देख कर, 
दिल में थमा सैलाब उमड़ पड़ा,

आखिर एक मैं ही तो उम्मीद था उनकी,
आँखों में बसा दरिया बिखर पड़ा।

हिम्मत बना माँ की, सहारा बना पापा का,
सोच कर की वक़्त ले रहा है इम्तेहान,
पापा आप ही तो है मेरे पैरों को जमीन और सिर का आसमान।

आहिस्ता आहिस्ता सब ठीक होने लगा,
एक बार फिर बुरे वक़्त के बाद अच्छे वक़्त का मंज़र दिखने लगा,

अचानक ही सब छीन गया और ना रही मेरे पैरों तले ज़मीन और ना सर पे आसमान,
ना माँ को कोई उम्मीद रही ना मुझे कोई अरमान।

ना फिर आँखों का दरिया थमा, ना दिल का सैलाब,
पापा आप बस पीछे छोड गये यादों का एक खली मकान,
आप ही तो थे मेरे पैरों की ज़मीन और सर का आसमान।

                                        ~Jyoti Yadav
           Copyright ©Jyoti Yadav. All rights reserved. 

                                                                                                    ~Jyoti Yadav

Is it really difficult to be a women…????



It’s not hard to be women. God has created women and men both. But the duties and responsibilities for men and women are decided on this earth.

Now days we talk lot about women empowerment. Women themselves are so concerned about their empowerment.

Women work outside their homes.

Women earn like men do.

Women do business, jobs, fight, social work, art, boxing, playing outdoor games and all.

They are doing excellent in every area where men are doing. Even many women left men behind.

Now this is not only what God has decided as their role and responsibilities. But Yes, God has given such a super power to women that they only can give birth to a child which a man can’t.

Women have such a supreme power because she can do anything a man can do along with bringing a new life into this world which a men can’t do.

I know many of you must be thinking that men are also part of bringing a new life into this world. Yes, very true…..!!!! But power to give birth is only given to women.

Today’s women has been so busy in competing with men that they have forgotten that why God has given this power to them only?

God has given this power to women because they can only make this world a beautiful place to live for their children. They can nurture best their children in every aspect. They can give the best etiquettes and best knowledge. They can create a best foundation for their children’s childhood. Only a woman can make her child a man full of love, respect, sensibility, etiquettes, power and a good characterized person.

May be that’s why God has created women to give birth to a child. But today’s women have somehow forgotten their prime responsibility with which they are born. They are so busy in competing with the world of men.

Why she needs to do so ……??????

When she is already with supreme powers……!!!!

William Golding has said rightly:

I think women are foolish to pretend they are equal to men, they are far superior and always have been.”