A Mother…

“I saw a girl having folic acid in pre-conception process. So, she can deliver a healthy baby.
Then i saw a old mother waiting for his son to come and just pay some attention on her existence.

These two lines might not sound relevant to few. There is deep meaning and pain in these lines.

A mother starts preparing for her child even before it is born. She is concerned of conceiving a healthy baby. So her child doesn’t face any difficulty in life. She takes care of every single thing before the baby is born.
On the other hand, A mother who did uncountable sacrifices in her life to give best to her children. What she got in return…??

Disrespect, Ignorance, Sorrows.

Words falls short to explain the pain of that mother her eyes cant weep anymore. Her soul is deeply crushed. Everything has been changed about her but one thing will always be same that she will always be a “Mother”.

“Maa hai toh bchcho pe koi aanch nahi
Uski mamta kisiki shukriya ki mohtaaz nhi”

~Jyoti Yadav

पुराना कोट


कल इन सरसराती हवाओं से बचने को
बरसो पुराना एक कोट निकला था

आज हाथों की सफ़ेद सुर्ख़ियाँ छुपाने को
हाथ कोट की जेब में डाला था

लगा ऐसे जैसे किसी अपने ने हाथ थम लिया हो
ओर मेरा हाथ पकड़ मुझे पहचान लिया हो

फिर चुभन भी हुई दिल की साथ ऊँगली में
ठंडी हवाओं ने फटकारा तभी उस भारी महफ़िल में

होश सा हुआ तो सोचा देखू कौन सा अपना है ये
या फिर यूँ ही वहम ओर सपना है ये

काँपता हुआ हाथ जब जेब से बाहर आया
सदियों से गुमनाम तुम्हारा झुमका मेरी हथेली पे पाया !!

-Jyoti Yadav


फूंक दिए थे अरमान जो कोशिशों की आग में

कमबख्त आज भी उनसे मेरे सपनों की महक आती है।

कुछ बरस पहले कुछ ख्वाब सजाये थे

हर कोशिश के साथ एक ख्वाब कांच सा टूट के बिखरा

कमबख्त आज भी उस कांच से मेरे ख्वाब की झलक आती है।

हारी या जीती मैं, ये खबर तो नही अभी तलक

कमबख्त मगर आज भी हर सांस के साथ आस नज़र आती है।
-Jyoti Yadav

दूर कहीं उस पार 

​जब दूर कहीं उस पार दरिया के

सपनो के महल संवर जाएंगे

इस पार इंतज़ार में

मेरी कश्ती बिखर जाएगी।
जब दूर कही उस पार अंधेरे में

जुगनू चमचमाएँगे

इस पार इंतज़ार में

मेरी आँखों की रोशनी पिघल जाएगी।
जब दूर कहीं उस पार आसमानों पर

खुशियाँ नज़र आएंगी

इस पार इंतज़ार में

मेरे पंख बिखर जाएंगे।
जब दूर कही उस पर सपने मेरे

हकीक़त होते नज़र आयेंगे

इस पार इंतज़ार में

मेरी आँखें खामोश हो जायेंगी।

– Jyoti Yadav

रूह : Soul

महसूस कर सकती हूं आपके दर्द को
मगर उसे मिटा नही सकती।
देख रही हु रोते हुए दिन रात आपको
मगर आपके साथ बैठकर आंसू बहा नही सकती।
वक़्त ने जो बेरहमी की है हमारे साथ
उससे सामना करके लड़ नही सकती।
दिल करता है भाग के आऊ
ओर लगा लु सीने से आपको
ओर गम भूला दू आपके सभी
मगर जिस्म से जुदा एक रूह हु मैं
मर कर वापस आ नही सकती।
चाह कर भी मैं
जिंदगी और मौत के फासले को मिटा नही सकती।
I can feel you pain
But i can't reduce it
I can see you crying day-night
But i can't control your tears
Time has done  so cruelty with us
But i can't fight with that
I feel like coming to you
And hug you tightly
So that you forget all your pain
But i am just a soul out of a dead body
Though, i want
But i can't cover the distance between life and death.

~Jyoti Yadav



Why Time Is So Heartless..????

Just passed by a slum

An infant was crying

 over her mother’s dead body

My soul shivered

I felt I should return back

And shower the happiness

On that child

But I moved on…

Because I am helpless..

Because I am heartless..

So that people call me TIME.

~Jyoti Yadv


Outside the window

It’s Rain

Inside the heart

It’s Pain

One rain is falling 

From the sky

Another rain is falling

From the eyes

I’m empty

I’m lifeless

I’m drained

I was just following

My heart in a lane

I trusted you with

All my heart and brain

I have a long queue

Of emotions like a chain

You broke my trust

Still I loved you

Once again

You weren’t worth it

I was truly a insane

Now Im stood strong

Now Im gonna

 Get trained

No regrets, No worries

No tears

Now I’m not gonna explain

I have suffered plenty

I have already

 shedded a Rain

Now inside my heart

There is no pain

Only, Happiness

Is my Rain.
– Jyoti Yadav

I am a strong woman

She is a strong woman or a weak woman?  May times this question come to her mind? But real answer she rarely find. She is strong. She does pretend strong. She stays strong. She communicates strong. She is the strength of others. She motivates other. She helps others. She makes them laugh. She supports them.

Yes, she does everything for others whatever she could do for them. She feels strong. They feel she is strong lady. But actually is she..??

If the question is about being strong for others, she does it very well. But when similar situation of troubles, hurdles, up and downs comes to her, why she feels no stronger..? Why she feels low..?  Why she feels demotivate? Why she cries in alone?

Yes, she cries in alone and she doesn’t tell reason to anyone. She doesn’t want anyone to see her crying because they think she is strong woman. If they see her crying, what they will think about her? And that’s why she does it in alone.

A woman who has been strength of other, See cries in alone. So that nobody sees her and thinks that she is weak. But she knows inside that she isn’t strong anymore.

She is still in dilemma whether she is a strong woman or a weak woman..???


Can you answer her dilemma…??????