Stop casteism

If sitting/eating/drinking/enjoying/touching with a lower caste person makes you equivalent to him or makes you a lower caste person. Then why isn’t vice versa true..???

If you are eating with him then he is also eating with you. Why doesn’t he become a upper caste person…??? Why only you became lower caste….??

Think and stop casteism.
Everyone of us is same. We all are human beings.

-Jyoti Yadav

I value the writer in me

Thanks to the troubles,

Thanks to the hurdles,

Thanks to the demotivation,

Thanks to the agitation,

Thanks to the Night,

Thanks to the fright,

Thanks to the loneliness,

Thanks to the sadness,

Thanks to the critics,

Thanks to the lyrics,

Because you made me a fighter,

Because you made me a writer.

~Jyoti Yadav

Copyright ©Jyoti Yadav. All rights reserved.