A Trip to Shimla

Hi Guys… Today i am writing about my trip to Shimla. This trip was in 2nd week of March 2019. This was an unplanned trip, as we had to attend a friend’s wedding in Shimla. So last moment planned it.
Again, this was weekend trip. We started approx 4:00 AM in morning from Gurgaon. My husband returned back from his night shift at 3:00 AM. It was supposed to be an approx 7:30 hours journey. We were five in the group (3 could drive).
We preferred to have our own car for this trip. And travelling was amazing because wether was nice and cool in March, Roads were also great. At 8 AM approx. we had our morning near near Karnal.

Then started off for Shimla. Approx 9:30 AM , we had our breakfast. It was somewhere before Solan. We could see mountains be then.


I am always fascinating by the Mountains, river, greenery etc. So somewhere after the Solan, we stopped and tried to trek one mountain. which was not of much height. Had some fun and photography here.

So, In next 2 hours approx we were in Shimla. We choose to stay in nearest hotel where friend’s wedding was planned. 2-3 times it was difficult for us to drive as it was so sloped roads and we were new very new to this. Even we couldn’t park our car inside the hotel because it was very upward sloped. So, car was rolling back. We were scared but thrilled at same time 😛 .
After refreshing, we moved out for Mall road. We preferred to walk. As weather was amazing. We roamed there on streets of Mall road. The church is very famous on Mall road. While we were on mall road, Snow fall just started and stopped. It was hardly for few seconds 😦 .

There are some local shops near it. We bought few items from there and struggled to bought a “Flower Bouquet”. As this was most important to attend the wedding.
In the night approx at 8PM we came back to hotel and in next five minutes left for the wedding. As we were not in mood to change cloths because it was so cold. Indian wear like saare (oh NOOOO) in winters. :P.
The venue was on Hill top hotel. It was lavish wedding. I was mesmerized the way elder people were involved on dancing and enjoying there. They were wearing a round cap on their head. The music was regional. We couldn’t understand that but it was so nice to watch those people dancing on the songs.

Then we met the bride and groom. Wished them, blessed them.
We came back to hotel and slept.
Next day we had breakfast from the hotel and checked out for Annadale. The view to Annadale while travelling was so beautiful. This was somewhere in depth of valley. Funny part was even Google was confused to navigate us to Annadale.

Anadela is Indian Army club. There you can explore the Defense service’s uniform, arsenal, statue of defense officers. It was beautiful garden of cactus. This is huge. Greenery everywhere. We spend approx 1.5 hours there and moved for Kufri next.
Driving to kufri was fine. It wasn’t that difficult which was explained to us by guides.
Reaching there, we rented boots and horses for further going on top of hills. We could see snow while going to Kufri. It was expected to have more snow in kufri top hills.
The most scariest part was that horse ride to hills. There were no roads, the poor animals were walking into high mountains. The number of horse was so huge that many times i feel like they will collide and next moment i will be in depth of valley. Anyways we reached to the top. There we could see snow.

My husband, brother, sister they enjoyed a lot in snow. I prefer to sit there calmly and just enjoyed the weather.
In next 1.5 hours we cam back to Kufri and drive back to Home.
We started at 4:30 PM in evening and approx 1:00 AM in night we were back home.
Overall this was a really memorable trip, specially due to that horse ride :P.

-Jyoti Yadav

Quote 765

The Voyage of Yoga

Grey Keyhole

One day you will realize, nobody had locked you, You yourself held the key after which you still stopped yourself from all the beautiful experiences you could have had…

Yet when you turn the key in the keyhole, you realize the futility of the entire purpose and just push the door to find it unlocked anyway…

Sometimes the door is always open, just because it has a keyhole does not mean its locked, maybe someone just let it be open for you…

Take the opportunity, enjoy the moment and live life to the fullest, you never know which door was open and which closed…

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बारिश : It’s Raining

आज दिल बहुत सुकून में है
देखकर बाहर बारिश हो रही है।
मन मे उठते तूफान आज शांत से है
देखकर बाहर बारिश हो रही है।
मन मे आज तितलियाँ कुछ कम लहरा रही है
देखकर बाहर बारिश हो रही है।
दिमाग की बिजलियां आज कुछ कम कड़क रही है
देखकर बाहर बारिश हो रही है।
कानो में बादलों की गरज बंद सी है
देखकर आज बाहर बारिश हो रही है।
मन आज भीग कर तृप्त हो गया
क्योंकि आज बाहर बारिश हो रही है।


Today my heart is in peace
Because outside its raining.
Today thunderstorms in my mind are silent
Because outside its raining.
Today I don’t have butterflies in my stomach
Because outside its raining.
Today lightening isn’t striking in my brain
Because outside its raining.
Today sky howling isn’t in more decibels
Because outside its raining.
Today my heart has attain a great peace
Because outside its raining.

~Jyoti Yadav

On That Day…..

On that grand day

I’ll be at the top of sky

I’ll be happiest than ever

I’ll fly out of my body

You’ll see  new ME

I promise, As I said

For the very first time

I will drink wine

With you

On that day

I will live my life fullest

For the very first time

On that day my dream

Will be fulfilled

On that day my life

Will be fulfilled.


~Jyoti Yadav

Good to bad habbit : Punctuality

Punctuality is the one of the most important behavioral trait of any person. There are always some good habits which makes us a   sensible and mature human being. Punctuality is one of them. If we are punctual to the time then we are making our first impression very good.
And first impression always works :).

But my this good habbit has been changed to bad habbit. Earlier I was really punctual about my meetings, appointments, calls, classes, exams everywhere.

Now a days I have come into habbit of being late everywhere. Even if I have sufficient time to get ready, to wrap up things. Still I take it easy and don’t fasten up my work. Intentionally I do things delay. Then I regret about it later. I had time, why didn’t I finish on time. Why I didn’t walk out on time and so on….

You must be thinking why I am writing my bad habbit here. There is a reason because I disclose my weakness to people I make them my strengths. Similarly, I am trying to do same.

I am trying to take a resolution that I will always follow timings. I will always be on time. I will always be punctual.

I hope it works. I hope I get my good habbit of punctuality back. 🙂

Dear Wife, My Last wish…….

Dear Wife,

My life, my love is all yours,
I will gonna love you forever.

I wanna tell you that you are a bliss,
But still, i must tell you that i have a wish.

When i die, burry me in backyard of our home,
Don't burn me with the traditional norms.

I know, on this, you would be about to cry,
But look at stars i will be in the sky.

Get me buried there, this have a reason,
Because i will always be with you every season.

Because i wanna be alive till my last breath,
Because i wanna be alive even after my death.

When you will grow plants in backyard,
In every flower, i will be smiling at you like a guard.

When you walk barefoot on grass,
You will feel me with every footstep pass.

When winds will blow,
You will smell me with the wind flow.

Because i wanna love you till my last breath,
Because i wanna love you even after my death.

When storm will come, don’t be numb.
Because protective wall i will become.

Don’t fear when it’s dark,
See me in light when it sparks.

When our children will play in lawn,
I will be watching them from dawn.

When you will be cooking inside,
I will feel the craving in wide.

Because i wanna be with you till my last breath,
Because i wanna be with you even after my death.

When it will be your birthday, Dress up like a pretty doll,
Because i will be still looking at you like a heart fall.

When our family will be celebrating together
I will be enjoying seeing you all getting stronger.

When you will be old, don’t make your life on hold.
I will still be with you, as i told.

Don’t be sad when you miss me,
I will always be around you in the winds,
Just hold your breath and kiss me.

Because I wanna be alive till my last breath,
Because I wanna be alive even after my death.

                                                    ~Jyoti Yadav
                     Copyright ©Jyoti Yadav. All rights reserved.