There he was…

She was leaving the college for the day. She picked her bag and moved out of the classroom with her friend. As they both were walking out from the college, in her entire walk from class to exit main door, she wholeheartedly wanted to see him. It was hardly 150 meters that she needed to walk for exit door. As she was on downstairs, she thought of going to water-cooler so that she can get one more chance to spend few more seconds there for him. It was so fortunate, that he was already present at water-cooler. What else she wanted in her life. Seeing him in front of her eyes made her on sky 9th. Now she could happily leave the college for the day. While she was moving out from the corridor, her friend said “He will be there at balcony to see you because he saw that you are moving out with your bag he knows that you are leaving for home. He will surely come to see you.”

I wanted her statement to be true but I wasn’t confident about what she said few seconds back. But somewhere my heart was jumping out to see if he really comes to see me. As I was about to take last step towards exit, my heart made me turned back towards the balcony of college and THERE HE WAS.

                                                                                                       ~ Jyoti Yadav

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